Ad materials design
Group4Media - Mediarkania Conference
"Mediarkania is a real world of contrasts. It is home to brands that really want to find their consumers and a path to growth. Each of them chooses their own unique route to success, and Group4Media holding, as a mentor, helps to find it.

However, the path to the desired goal is not easy and full of dangers: the conference participants walked through the valley of social networks, climbed mountains of data and descended the stormy rivers of creativity flowing into the sea of TV.

And this is not a fairy tale, this is the reality we live in.

Be Creative Agency has developed the corporate identity and brand design of the Group4Media conference:
- website
- digital promotional materials
- on-air graphics
- intro video (creative concept + production)
- visual design of the site, press wall, stage design, branding materials of partners"
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